bravely.B - how I work

Having studied systemic approaches to organisational leadership as well as wellbeing in menopause, I believe in addressing physical, psychological, and social health to create a comprehensive support system. This ensures that you are not only managing symptoms but also building resilience and thriving in your professional and personal life.

As a Dramatherapist, I use creative techniques such as role-play, storytelling, and improvisation to help you explore and address your challenges in a safe and supportive environment. Creativity is at the heart of my approach, enabling innovative solutions and personal insights.



Dramatherapy is a powerful tool for experiential learning as it combines the foundations of theatre and therapy. In professional settings, it helps in enhancing communication, conflict resolution, and stress management. It provides a unique space for creative exploration, allowing leaders to address challenges, build confidence, and foster innovative thinking.


By incorporating Dramatherapy techniques, I help you and your team to tap into creative potential that can transform professional and personal experiences of work and wellbeing.


Psychodynamic and Systemic Approaches

Psychodynamic and systemic approaches offer deeper insights into organisational dynamics, roles within teams, and the pressures within systems. This approach enables exploration of authority in roles and the impact of unconscious processes on teams and individuals.


I use psychodynamic and systemic approaches to help you and your team to gain deeper insights into organisational structures, relationships and actions, facilitating pragmatic plans to execute team strategies.


Social Health

Social health, the well-being that comes from human connection, is a crucial aspect of overall health. Social connections are as vital as physical health and mental well-being, fostering a sense of belonging and support. Strong relationships and a supportive community are essential for personal and professional resilience.


By integrating social health principles, I help individuals and teams build meaningful connections that enhance resilience and well-being.


Four Seasons Behavioural model

The Four Seasons model offers a unique perspective on personal leadership and team dynamics. This transformational behavioral preference model, based on Carl Jung's work, is an accessible and pragmatic tool used to develop strategies that enhance communication, collaboration, and overall performance.


You will discover your season by completing a simple Four Seasons questionnaire, gaining insights into your preferred behavior and communication styles. You will then receive a detailed report and participate in feedback sessions to understand your seasonal behavioral profile and its impact on your leadership style

"Bianka always comes to the conversation with a mind-set of prositivity and moving forward."

— Workshop participant